:: Solar Tribe ::

These are just beautiful, and it is so important to stay centered nowadays.  Prayer beads are a great way to do that and to remember the spiritual in daily life.  Even if you don't go for a large set like this, a small set or talisman can be a great support.  Over 10 years ago I came upon a small book called "A String and A Prayer" by Eleanor Wiley and Maggie Oman Shannon.  It was about prayer beads that weren't attached to any religious tradition, called contemporary prayer beads.  You chose what they represented yourself, and the book detailed several ways to make them.  I was enthralled...I loved all religious prayer beads but had always wanted something of my "own", to reflect the spirit in the landscape and beyond.  I started making them and as you can see I still do today.  I encourage everyone to find a copy of this book and try making your own!  These beads are such good medicine.

:: Back from the Outlands ::

I've returned from a wonderful but grueling, trip and am slowly returning to work...here's the fossil ivory talisman pendant as promised.  I'm going to start working on the Spirit Beads listing next, and will likely list them tomorrow.  Also in the works is a short recap of my recent adventures...stay tuned.

:: Grace in the Desert ::

Just listed this beauty yesterday...for desert dreaming.  And the sun is just coming out this morning!  That means I'll be able to get outside and photograph the new pieces in a little while.  Look for them later today... 

:: A Primitive Fused Fine Silver Bracelet ::

Haven't done one of these in a while...I forgot how much work they are!!  Apologies for the red-shift in the photos; I shot in late afternoon light instead of my usual midday reflected sunlight because a storm is coming in and I didn't want to wait until next week to list this.  Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

:: One More for 2016 + PayPal Now Activated ::

Here's one more piece for the transitioning year...pure handmade Desert Primitive goodness.  

Also, you can now make your purchases using PayPal in this shop!  Hopefully Squarespace will also soon allow direct checkout as Etsy does.  Should that ever become available, I will let you know.  Happy New Year!

:: Desert Ritual Bundle ::

An unusual offering from me, an assemblage of found objects and created talismans that seemed to come together of its own accord.  This can be an altar piece, a sculpture for table or shelf, or held in the hand for desert contemplations. 

:: Honoring the Cranes ::

This very wabi sabi pouch was several days in the making; the beading alone was a day's work.  I am at last getting on top of all the new tech and am learning to hone my photography skills...no more cell phone photos!  There will be more pieces to come very soon, now that everything seems to be up and working!